Wednesday 6 July 2016


The last week has been one of the busiest of my life.

If the first week of NCS could be summarised as the "honeymoon period", week 2 (and the start of week 3) have been full on, non-stop and flashed by at 100mph. Week 2 was spent at student accommodation in Manchester, with a 6:50am wake up and my free time limited to about half an hour a day, once all the participants were in bed and we'd had our daily staff laughing session, i.e. funny story sharing time. A solid six and a half hours of sleep each day followed by activities for about 12 hours, with about an hour of total break time in the day. Put simply, it was hard work! I had a laugh with a colleague last night about our 'real' hourly pay...let's just say we were laughing pretty hard!

Despite the long days and short nights, it has been another really good week. If you ignore the day spent locked in an oxygen-starved room, I was really impressed with how my team behaved and interacted during our community visits. Moreover, our presentation showcase was really enjoyable and I made sure my team knew that I was proud of their 'gameshow' performance.

The highlight had to be when, after I suggested that the two teams enter the stage with music playing in the background, we went for our full rehearsal. I knew that one of the teams were using Miley Cyrus' "Party in the USA" but I had no idea how they would walk down the aisle. I turned to watch and saw the guy in that team with his arms linked with the girls in his team and was almost on the floor laughing. They pulled it off again for the real thing and it was a brilliant start to the show.

My day off was spent getting ready for my dad's 50th at the weekend and taking a day's rest before the continuation of NCS...of which the first day this week, Tuesday, was horrendous for traffic. I spent about 3 hours travelling and felt like I caught up with the last month of pop music! Gotta say, it got me into Adele's new album, which is much better than I expected! The song "Send My Love (To Your New Lover)" feels like Adele's voice on a Florence and The Machine track - I've had it on repeat for a few days now!

I've been so busy with working that my free time has basically disintegrated. But I think it's definitely worth it.

Twitter: @Chowerz
Instagram: @chowerz

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