Friday 12 February 2016

Funneh Stuff

A couple of brilliant moments have occurred in the last two days. Here we go...

Ever had one of those dreams where you dream of something and it translates to a real-life action? I've been in my dad's car and asleep before waking up having kicked the glovebox because I dreamt I was making a tackle in football. Well, yesterday (Thursday) morning at around 0400 local time I was fast asleep until in my dream I needed to kick out for one reason or another. Next thing I knew my left calf had cramped up and I was lying there half-conscious and screaming "AARRRRGGHHHHH!!!!!" I can still feel it in my calf now (Friday evening). Make of it what you will.

Today, I was waiting for the bus after my labs and a bus came that wasn't for me. But another guy came through the crowd as it was for him. So he walked through and accidentally stood on my foot. He said, "Sorry". I said, "Don't worry, it's only a yellow card". It went straight over the guy's head. My friend I was with laughed. No one else did. I thought it was funny. Oh well.

Oli :)